Running injuries have become all too common in recent years. If you look online for advice on how to avoid common exercise-related maladies, such as runner’s knee, you’ll find millions of [...]
In many parts of the world, summer is now in full swing. Summer weather often encourages picnics, visits to the local pool, and generally increased outdoor activity. A common and popular outdoor [...]
Scoliosis is a very common spinal condition throughout the world. In fact, scoliosis is so common that many schools perform mandatory assessments for the condition in young students. Usually, [...]
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition in which joints throughout the body are significantly impaired. This devastating disorder is estimated to affect more than one million people [...]
Besides the unbearable pain that headaches can cause, they also make it difficult to focus on anything and get through the day. But not all headaches are created equal. There are many different [...]
Fibromyalgia is one of the most debilitating disorders from which one can suffer. The condition causes widespread pain throughout the body. In fact, the pain can be so severe that patients are [...]
When we think of ankle sprains, we often think of injuries suffered by athletes. However, ankle sprains can affect any active individuals; they can even occur after a person simply steps down [...]
Upper back pain has become a major problem in recent years. More people than ever have started working from home at questionable desk setups. Others have ventured into the gym for the first time [...]
It’s clear that our early ancestors relied heavily on our ability to run. For instance, tribes would often convey messages to different villages via runners. Furthermore, foot-racing was one of [...]
IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a frustrating and life-altering condition. The issue forces patients to abstain from many of the foods that many of us enjoy on a daily basis. Going out to [...]