3 Tips for Preventing Shoulder Pain from Your Plano Chiropractor

Our shoulders are used during nearly all activities we participate in on a daily basis. For this reason, when we have shoulder pain, we are severely limited in our ability to take part in said activities.

Furthermore, a shoulder injury can cause nagging pain, even when you barely move your arm at all. While there are ways to rehab your shoulders after an injury, it’s always best to prevent shoulder injuries in the first place, if possible. In this article, we will review some of the top chiropractic tips for preventing shoulder pain and dysfunction.


Shoulder Anatomy

Before we get into the meat of this topic, it may be helpful to briefly review the anatomy of the shoulder. In gaining more insight into the structure of the shoulder, you can have a more informed view of what is going on “under the hood” when you have a shoulder injury.


The Glenohumeral Joint

When we think about the shoulder, most of us picture the ball and socket joint. This joint is referred to as the glenohumeral joint because it is made up of the spherical head of the humerus and the concave opening of the scapula (known as the glenoid fossa).

The glenohumeral joint has numerous structures associated with it that are all susceptible to injury. For example, there are many muscles, such as the deltoid, rotator cuff, and others that cover or cross over this joint. If there is an issue with the glenohumeral joint, these muscles can become pinched or stressed (even to the point of tearing in some cases).


The Scapulothoracic Joint

The other major joint of the shoulder complex is known as the scapulothoracic joint. This joint is where the scapula meets with the thoracic spine. Interestingly, unlike most joints of the body, the scapulothoracic joint is only attached by muscle, not by ligaments and other structures.

When this joint is unstable, moving the rest of the arm can be very difficult and injuries will often occur due to a weak scapulothoracic complex.


Top Tips for Shoulder Pain Prevention

Next, let’s review some of the best tips for avoiding shoulder pain and injuries.


Tip #1: Perform Regular Strengthening Exercise

Perhaps the best tip for bulletproofing your shoulders is to keep them strong. By making the muscles surrounding this joint as stable as possible, you’ll give yourself the best opportunity to limit injury. 

Furthermore, having strong shoulder muscles will make it easier to recover after an injury, should you suffer from one.


Tip #2: Keep Your Shoulders Flexible.

Along with low levels of strength, another major problem that can lead to shoulder injuries is stiffness. 

Inflexible muscles often lead to poor movement coordination. As a result, you may compensate for your stiff shoulders by using your back and other joints to accomplish tasks. This can even result in back pain or issues elsewhere in the body, in addition to shoulder problems.


Tip #3: See Your Chiropractor Regularly

Chiropractic manipulations can keep your spine strong, flexible, and healthy. Because the spine is closely involved in all processes of the body, a misalignment can often lead to injuries, decreased healing ability, and many other problems. Luckily, by keeping regular chiropractic appointments, you can be sure that your spine is in the optimal position at all times. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you are taking a great step toward keeping your shoulders injury-free. 

If you’re concerned about your shoulder health, visit us at Keystone Chiropractic, your go-to Plano, TX chiropractors, today. We will perform an in-depth assessment of your spine and then perform the best, research-based treatments to address your specific concerns. Book your first session now!