Pain on the Back of the Heel: Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Heel pain has affected many of us in the past, and it will affect many more of us in the future. This condition usually occurs out of the blue, and it steadily causes more and more discomfort, eventually making it extremely difficult to stand, walk, and generally use our feet throughout the day. 

But even though this issue may sound like a simple, straightforward problem, there are some important things you should know about pain in the back of the heel. In this article, we’ll review the topic of heel pain, then examine whether or not chiropractic care can help you overcome this ailment.

Heel Pain Explained

To the layperson, it may sound like heel pain is simply a painful condition affecting this specific part of the body. Interestingly, however, heel pain usually refers to a specific kind of plantar fasciitis. 

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory issue that causes pain and tightness in the fibrous band located on the bottom of the foot. When plantar fasciitis first develops, patients will usually suffer from pain on the inside part of the heel. Thus, many clinicians will diagnose people suffering from heel pain with plantar fasciitis.

Of course, patients can truly suffer from pain in the actual heel bone, technically known as the calcaneus. This may occur due to trauma, such as a car crash, or repeated misuse, such as the pain that develops from pounding the heels on the pavement while jumping rope, jogging, etc. 

Different Types of Heel Pain

With any painful condition, the pain can differ in nature. For instance, you may describe your heel pain as “sharp”, while others might describe their heel pain as “dull.” 

Each of these descriptions is important for your clinician to know. Pain is a subjective experience. So, the better you can describe what you’re feeling, the better the outcomes will be with regard to treatment. 

How Long Does Heel Pain Last?

Again, the exact amount of time your heel pain will affect you will vary significantly based on a number of factors. If you are able to identify the issue in its early stages, you can often resolve your symptoms more quickly. Specifically, early identification and treatment may enable you to find relief within one or two weeks.

On the other hand, if you’ve been suffering from heel pain for months or years, it will likely take a month for you to start to feel relief and even longer for you to fully resolve your condition.

How to Treat Heel Pain

The first step in treating heel pain is to obtain a clear diagnosis. For instance, if the pain is caused by plantar fasciitis, treating this issue with stretching, strengthening, shoe prescription, and other methods will often help. 

On the other hand, if the heel pain is caused by a specific injury to the heel itself, this issue might respond well to relative rest and gait modification until the injured tissue fully heals. 

Last but not least, chiropractic care can be used as a primary or adjunct treatment to any heel pain program. 

Chiropractic Care for Heel Pain

Chiropractors focus primarily on the spine with their treatments. By performing quick, targeted spinal manipulations, your chiropractor can realign subluxed areas of your spine, leading to fast and effective healing of any damaged tissues.

Some patients with heel pain who seek chiropractic care may walk out of the office after their first visit with significantly reduced symptoms. Others may need a few more sessions to experience relief. Either way, chiropractic care can help these patients recover quickly and effectively from their heel pain.

Don’t let heel pain hold you back! Your go-to Plano chiropractor at Keystone Chiropractic can help you today. Book your appointment now!