3 Ways to Avoid Hip Pain

The hip joint is a stable yet highly mobile joint. Because of this unique combination of features, this joint is particularly susceptible to injuries of many different types. For instance, you may develop hip pain due to a specific hip injury, a muscle tear, a ligament sprain, and a number of other issues.

Because of the ubiquity of hip injuries, it’s important to find effective ways to treat these maladies. But, as is always the case, it’s better to prevent these injuries before they occur, when possible, instead of trying to treat the issue after the fact. In this article, we will review the top three methods for avoiding hip pain and lowering the risk of developing hip injuries.

Way #1: Keep Your Body Strong and Flexible

A strong, flexible body is less susceptible to injury than a weak, stiff body. This is true for all types of injuries, but it is an especially important point when it comes to hip pain. As was mentioned earlier, healthy hip joints combine mobility with stability. Achieving this balance is not an easy task, but it is attainable with the right fitness plan.

You should aim to perform regular cardiovascular exercise three to five days a week, for at least 30 minutes each time. This part of your exercise program can take the form of walking, biking, running, swimming, or any other kind of cardio you prefer. These exercises will help to lubricate your hip joints while also building endurance in the musculature surrounding said joints. 

Also, you should aim to incorporate both strength training and flexibility exercise (for 30 minutes each) two to five days per week. By improving the strength of your muscles and keeping them loose and flexible, you’ll be able to move more efficiently during your daily activities.

Case in point, flexible muscles allow you to more easily reach for something on a high shelf without having to compensate by inappropriately using other joints throughout the body. In contrast, having stiff muscles in the shoulders and back may necessitate that you lean backward further at your hip joint when you’re reaching for something on the shelf, leading to overuse of this body part. 

Way #2: Wear Comfortable Shoes

As simple as it may sound: the right shoes for you can often be determined simply by how comfortable they are. While you probably shouldn’t wear slippers all day long, finding shoes that are a good balance of comfort, protection, and stability will help to decrease any inappropriate forces through the hip joints. 

Shoe prescription can be a complicated science, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Again, comfort should be the main guiding factor when you are deciding on a new pair of shoes. No matter how cool the high-top shoes may look, you should ditch them if they aren’t comfortable on your feet. 

Proper shoes can also correct many postural abnormalities while also helping to improve your gait. While this may sound like a small point, many of us take thousands or tens of thousands of steps every day. This means that every step can be an opportunity to put stress through the hip joint, if your gait is inefficient. So make sure you have the right shoes for your feet!

Way #3: Seek Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are well-equipped to deal with painful conditions throughout the body. Especially when it comes to spine and hip pain, chiropractors can perform treatments that reduce inflammation, improve function, and generally help patients achieve an optimal level of health.

Your Plano chiropractor at Keystone Chiropractic is here to help you with your hip pain. In just a few quick sessions, you’ll be well on your way to healing your hip injury. Schedule your first session with us now!