How Do You Know If You Have Sciatica?

Sciatica is a dreadful condition that can lead to serious pain and disability. In fact, when you suffer from severe forms of sciatica, you may have trouble standing, walking, or even laying down. Truly, there are often very few ways to find relief when it comes to sciatica.

But how can you determine whether you have sciatica or some other similar condition? In this article, we’ll take a look at this very question and provide you with some tips and tricks to relieve your sciatica symptoms fast.

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a fairly general term that refers to any condition which irritates the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the low back all the way down the leg, branching many times along the way. 

There are many different issues and structures which can lead to sciatica. A few common problems that produce sciatica symptoms include:

Of course, there are also many systemic diseases and other ailments which can cause one to present with sciatica symptoms as well. Case in point, spinal tumors can sometimes bulge into the sciatic nerve, leading to the symptoms as described below.

What are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Generally, the symptoms of sciatica are similar to those seen in other nerve-related conditions. 

For instance, someone with sciatica may demonstrate any or all of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Burning/shooting pain in the back or leg.
  • Numbness/weakness in leg and back muscles. 
  • Tingling in the area innervated by the sciatic nerve.

Rarely, patients may exhibit other symptoms related to sciatica. However, the above three symptoms are the most common issues in patients with sciatica.

How to Relieve Sciatica

If you’re like most people, you’ve scoured the web trying to find the sciatica cure. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know what information you can trust, and what information would be better left in the dark recesses of the internet.

Sadly, many practitioners need to be better-versed in the proper treatment protocols for sciatica. For example, some physicians will prescribe medications or even surgeries in an attempt to correct the issues related to the sciatica symptoms in question. These are merely band-aid fixes, which treat only the symptoms and not the causes of the disorder.

In general, there are a few key treatments that work well for sciatica.

For instance, exercise seems to help sciatica patients increase their stability and comfort. Specifically, exercises based on “extension” movements (bending backward) often assist patients in moving past their sciatica issues. However, this is not always the case.

Alternatively, or in addition to exercise, massage can help people with sciatica.

Another option for treating sciatica is traction. Traction separates spinal segments, allowing for space in these tight spinal junctions. After traction, many patients can feel improvement, which may be temporary or permanent. 

Above all else, however, chiropractic care seems to be one of the best, most affordable, and widely available fixes for sciatica.

Chiropractic Care and Sciatica

Chiropractors work to realign the spine after it has subluxated, or fallen out of optimal alignment. They do so by performing treatments known as adjustments, or spinal manipulations. These gentle treatments are extremely effective for reversing the symptoms related to sciatica and a variety of other conditions affecting the low back and lower body.

Are you suffering from sciatica and looking for a solution? Try chiropractic care! Our team at Keystone Chiropractic, the best chiropractors in Plano, TX is here to assist you today. Book your appointment now!