How Chiropractic Care Helps Migraine Sufferers

What, exactly, is a migraine? This seems like a simple question and one that we should be able to answer with our current level of scientific knowledge. While we have a much better understanding of migraines than we did centuries ago, some of the specifics of the condition continue to elude us.

What we do know is that migraines tend to consist of debilitating headaches paired with other symptoms such as nausea. Migraine sufferers will often experience their first attack at a relatively young age and can continue to have episodes throughout their entire life.

Luckily, we have figured out a few different ways to relieve migraines and severe headaches without the use of harsh medications or surgeries, one of them being chiropractic care. Chiropractors can provide both immediate and long-term relief to migraine sufferers. If you’ve been dealing with migraines and don’t know where to turn, take a look below at how chiropractic care can help you today.


What Causes a Migraine?

Migraine causes can vary from person to person. What causes your neighbor to have a migraine might be vastly different from what causes you to experience one. These causes are often referred to as “triggers” when discussing migraines.


Common migraine triggers include:

  • Stress;
  • Exhaustion;
  • Certain foods;
  • Strong perfumes;
  • Alcohol;
  • Drugs.


There are many more reported migraine triggers, but the above list provides a basic overview of some of the more common causes of migraines.


What Happens in the Body During a Migraine?

The specific pathophysiology of a migraine is incredibly complex. For our purposes, suffice it to say that there are multiple nerves, brain structures, and arterial pathways involved that all participate in the process that leads to a migraine.

On a more basic level, migraines occur in a few distinct stages:

  • Prodrome: A few days before a migraine occurs, patients often feel a “sense” that a migraine will soon occur. The prodrome can include changes in appetite and mood, as well as other signs.
  • Aura: Although auras do not occur in everyone, they are commonly seen in migraine sufferers. These strange phenomena consist of neurological disturbances such as vision changes.
  • Migraine Attack: Migraines are often described as intense, one-sided headaches combined with feelings of nausea as well as sensitivity to light and noise.
  • Postdrome: After the migraine has finally passed (which can, in some cases, take a few days), the patient will often feel disoriented for a few hours. But slowly, symptoms will subside completely.

Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches and Migraines

Chiropractors have many things to consider when treating a patient who suffers from migraines or other types of headaches. Depending on the specific cause of the headache, a patient may find relief from some massage or manipulation of the neck. This type of treatment generally works well for those who work at a desk with poor posture and develop very tight neck muscles.

For more complicated headaches associated with migraines, chiropractors will need to identify the patient’s triggers, any misaligned joints, and any other abnormalities that can be corrected in the body. In some cases, chiropractors may recommend a change in dietary habits, exercise, or other lifestyle changes. 

In the end, every patient who suffers from migraines has unique needs and treatment plans must reflect this uniqueness. Your chiropractor will never use a standard, template approach to treat your condition.


Book an Appointment With Keystone Chiropractic Today!

For those searching for chiropractors in Plano, TX, look no further than Keystone Chiropractic. Whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, migraines, or anything else, our team is here to help. Book your appointment today!