Got Knee Pain? Here’s How Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Knee pain is a frustrating and debilitating issue that affects millions of people every year. In fact, reports of knee pain have doubled in women and tripled in men in the last few decades.

So why is knee pain such a common issue? More importantly, what can be done to relieve knee pain?

Let’s take a look at what might be causing this remarkable surge in knee pain cases, and how chiropractic care can effectively address the issue.


What Causes Knee Pain?

With any disease or ailment, it’s often more accurate to talk in terms of risk factors as opposed to causes. This is because it’s very hard to prove that something definitively caused something else to happen. However, it’s easier to look at some factors that are most likely contributing to the problem.


Knee Pain Risk Factors

The following are some of the major risk factors for the development of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis:


  1. Advanced age;
  2. Overweight/obese;
  3. Trauma to the knee joint.


There are certainly many other reasons why a person might be at higher risk for developing knee pain. But advanced age, extra weight, and excessive/repetitive trauma are by far the most common.


Mitigating Knee Pain Risk Factors

In the previous section, we outlined three of the most common risk factors for the development of knee pain. Of the three factors, the only one that we don’t have any control over is age. 

Luckily, the other two factors are ones that we can influence. By adhering to a proper diet, avoiding movements that will impose trauma on the knees, and beginning an exercise program, you can effectively reduce your risk factors for knee pain by 66%!

But what if you don’t know where to start with your exercise or diet plan? Who can help steer you in the right direction to ensure you take the best steps possible for your knees?

Chiropractors are here to help!


How Does Chiropractic Care Help My Knee Pain?

Chiropractors are experts on all things related to the body. This is especially true with regards to painful conditions.

Your chiropractor will perform an in-depth evaluation of your knees and the surrounding joints to determine what might be causing the issue. Furthermore, your chiropractor will ask you about your lifestyle and health history to get the clearest picture of what treatments will be most beneficial for you.

There is no cookie-cutter approach to chiropractic care. Everyone is different, which means every treatment plan should be different.

Based on your individual needs, your chiropractor may choose to use any or all of the following treatment methods for your knee pain:


  • Joint manipulation;
  • Exercise prescription;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Sports Taping;
  • Massage.


Beyond the treatments listed above, it may also be prudent to discuss dietary options with your chiropractor. Remember: every ounce of food we put in our bodies is either going to help us or hurt us. One of the most beneficial treatments you may undergo could be simply tweaking your diet.

Also, your job or your hobbies may require you to perform repetitive, traumatic knee motions for hours on end. Yet, your chiropractor can help you determine the best ergonomic set-up for your activities and work. This will help you avoid the excessive knee joint trauma we discussed earlier in this post.

Are you ready to start your chiropractic journey? Are you looking for a chiropractor in Plano, TX? Book your appointment with Keystone Chiropractic today and kick your knee pain to the curb!