Frozen Shoulder? 6 Tips From Your Plano Chiropractor

The pain and stiffness of a frozen shoulder can get in the way of your day-to-day. You might struggle to reach something on the top shelf. Or you might notice it’s difficult to sleep due to the stiffness and pain. 

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a common condition that often arises without a clear cause. The unfortunate side is that it can lead to a reduction in the range of motion and pain in the shoulder joint. Yet, there’s help on the way! Here are some valuable tips to help you manage and alleviate the symptoms of a frozen shoulder (Hint: Chiropractic care can help!)

1. Understand What’s Going On

First, it’s important to understand what a frozen shoulder is. It typically develops in three stages: the freezing stage (where pain increases and range of motion begins to decrease), the frozen stage (where pain may lessen but stiffness remains), and the thawing stage (where the range of motion starts to improve). Knowing which stage you are in can help you apply the right treatment strategy.

When it doubt, always consult with a pro. For instance, your Plano chiropractor at Keystone Chiropractic can help personalize your treatment plan specific to you and your situation.

2. Stay Active

While it’s tempting to avoid using your painful shoulder, keeping it immobile can worsen the condition. 

Instead, engage in gentle, controlled movements to maintain as much range of motion as possible. This can be as simple as gentle arm swings or shoulder rolls. However, be mindful not to push through severe pain.

3. Apply Heat and Cold Therapy

Alternating between heat and cold can be beneficial. Cold packs can reduce inflammation and numb the pain, while heat therapy can relax the muscles and increase blood flow. 

Consider applying a cold pack for 15 minutes several times a day, and use a warm compress or take a warm shower to ease stiffness.

4. Perform Specific Exercises

There are specific exercises that can help in regaining shoulder mobility. These include pendulum stretches, towel stretches, and armpit stretches. Remember, these exercises should not cause sharp pain. If they do, stop and consult with a healthcare professional.

5. Consider Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen can help manage the pain and reduce inflammation. However, all instructions on the label should be carefully followed. Overuse of such medications can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

6. Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried managing the symptoms on your own without much success, it may be time to seek professional help. 

A chiropractor can offer non-invasive treatments that focus on maintaining and restoring joint mobility. Chiropractic care for a frozen shoulder involves a combination of techniques such as adjustments and mobilization. These methods are tailored to your specific condition and stage of frozen shoulder.

At the end of the day, dealing with a frozen shoulder can be challenging, but you don’t have to endure it alone. Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can make a significant difference. However, if you find that your condition isn’t improving, consider visiting your local Plano chiropractor. We’re here to provide you with the care and support you need to get back to your regular activities without pain and stiffness.

Remember, early intervention can lead to a quicker recovery. So, if you’re struggling with a frozen shoulder, contact our team at Keystone Chiropractic. We’re ready to help!