Chiropractic Tips for Having a Successful Flight

In our previous article, we discussed some tips for having a successful summer road trip. Depending on where you’re going, you may be flying instead. As the current pandemic improves, you may be planning your much needed summer vacation. Keep reading to find out some helpful tips to have a successful flight this summer.

Back Support

Back pain is a common problem that many people experience, especially if they travel often. This can be due to an uncomfortable seat or finding it difficult to find a good position to relax. Regardless of the cause, back pain is never ideal on an airplane. If you did not bring a pillow with you, you can ask for one to use as a back support. Alternatively, you can use a rolled up blanket or sweater to give your back some support.

Neck Support

Similar to the back, neck pain is another common problem for those that fly often. To avoid straining your neck during your next flight, you can purchase travel neck pillows. These pillows fit around your neck snugly and are designed to support your head and keep your neck aligned while you sleep in a sitting position. When you are awake, neck pillows can help prevent slouching when you are traveling. This is good for both your back and neck since slouching places unnecessary pressure on your spine, which can lead to pain.

Pack Light

While it may be tempting to overpack your carry-on bag, it’s best to pack light. A good guideline is to only bring a bag that is less than 10 percent of your body weight. Indeed, a heavy bag can place a lot of stress on your back and shoulders as you lift and carry it multiple times during your flight. That stress can lead to muscle tension and tightness, which may cause a spine misalignment. Spine misalignments can cause a variety of health issues, such as pain and reduced range of motion in your back and neck. Thus, it’s best to only pack your family’s essential items for carry-on bags.

Move Regularly

Whether you are taking a short or long flight, it’s a good idea to move around in your seat. If possible, try to walk around a little every two hours. This will help promote blood circulation in your body and reduce your risk for muscle tension, cramping, and even blood clots. Always ask a flight attendant when it’s a good time to get up and move because there are certain times during the flight when you must remain seated to maintain your safety.

Stay Calm

It’s no surprise that stress can cause pain and tension in your neck. When planning your trip, it’s a good idea to include items to help you relax. If your whole family is going, you can include items for each member of your family based on their ages and interests. For grown-ups, some good suggestions are a relaxing music playlist, a good book, or an adult coloring book. For children, they may enjoy a sticker book, fun coloring book, or tablet with their favorite shows. No matter what you choose, having something to help you relax will help prevent your neck and shoulders from becoming tense due to stress.

Schedule Your Chiropractic Appointment Before Your Vacation

In addition to the tips above, you may want to schedule a chiropractic adjustment with your local Plano and Frisco, TX Chiropractors. If you have any misalignments, your chiropractor can identify and treat these concerns before the flight. By realigning any misalignments, this will help you maintain a healthy posture and reduce your risk for back, neck, and shoulder pain during the long trip. Reach out to Keystone Chiropractic today to learn more about our corrective chiropractic care that helps patients gain victory over their health without drugs or invasive surgeries.