If you have trouble sleeping, you are not alone. In fact, a recent study out of the Netherlands found that over 27% of participants have difficulty sleeping. On the surface, a lack of quality [...]
Giving birth is a wonderful and unique experience. Think about it, after nine tough months, the mother has brought a new life into the world! But while the process of having a baby is overall [...]
Have you been experiencing back pain recently? If so, you may be suffering from a condition known as spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis sounds like a scary and serious problem. However, while [...]
Shoulder tightness and pain are all-too-common occurrences in our daily lives. There are many reasons why more and more people are experiencing shoulder pain. One of the most obvious reasons for [...]
Have you been struggling to get a decent night’s sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from sleep disturbances every night. Many people might turn to supplements, medication, [...]
Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is a debilitating condition that affects many people each year. The issue can make eating, talking, and using the jaw in general, a truly painful ordeal. [...]
If you’ve spent some long days and nights at the office, you are probably intimately familiar with aching, stiff joints. Seated, slumped postures put a tremendous amount of strain on our bodies. [...]
Back pain is an incredibly widespread issue in our society. In fact, a commonly cited statistic indicates that nearly 80% of all people will suffer from back pain at some point in their [...]
Most athletes will try just about anything to give them an edge over their competition. Unfortunately, this sometimes pushes athletes to experiment with dangerous supplements and other [...]
Osteoarthritis, oftentimes referred to as simply arthritis, is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people every year. Arthritis can affect nearly every joint in the body and the [...]