5 Tips From Your Plano Chiropractor for Preventing Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture, also known as FHP, is a condition caused by assuming a poor posture for a long period of time. This issue often affects office workers and others who are working on a computer for many hours throughout the day. Additionally, FHP can occur in those who text or use their phones a lot. In these cases, the affliction is known as “text neck”.

In this post, we’ll provide you with five crucial tips to help you prevent FHP. This way, you can maintain a healthy, pain-free posture for many years to come.

Tip #1: Take Frequent Breaks

If you work at an office job, you may feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to get your work done. But while your job may be stressful, you should not allow this to affect your health. After all, if you get injured, you won’t be able to work at all. 

You should be sure to take frequent, scheduled breaks at least once an hour throughout your work day. These breaks can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. But regardless of the length of the break, you need to take time to stand up from your desk and move around. If you don’t, you’ll allow yourself to stiffen up, which could lead to FHP and pain.

Tip #2: Use a Lumbar Roll

Back pain usually goes hand in hand with FHP. This is because bad posture in one area is usually accompanied by bad posture in other areas. Using a lumbar roll behind your back can help you to sit up straighter, reducing the risk of you falling into a poor posture such as FHP.

Best of all, lumbar rolls are extremely affordable. You can even make your own for free by rolling up an old towel or pillow and placing that behind your back.

Tip #3: Perform Regular Exercise

One of the best ways to undo the effects of sitting all day long is to exercise. By performing flexibility and strengthening exercise weekly, you can noticeably improve your posture. 

This does not mean that you have to go to the gym and lift heavy weights or take an hour-long yoga class every day. All you have to do is perform gentle movements such as shoulder and neck stretches. This will help significantly to prevent neck pain and FHP.

Tip #4: Eat a Healthy Diet

The foods you put in your body can drastically affect your health. For instance, if you only eat candy and sugar, you’ll be missing out on protein and other healthy nutrients which can keep your body strong and resilient. 

It’s tough to say which diet is the best for human beings. But one thing seems to be clear: eating whole foods and avoiding processed, chemical-laden treats can go a long way toward preventing issues such as FHP.

Tip #5: See Your Chiropractor Often

Your chiropractor can help to keep your spine in good alignment. However, if you don’t see your chiropractor regularly, you’ll miss out on many of the benefits of chiropractic care, such as reduced chance of injury and pain relief. 

Chiropractic care works for many painful conditions because the practice is focused primarily on improving the connection between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. If your brain and spine can’t communicate with other areas, there is a chance you’ll suffer from chronic, long-term injuries that only get worse with time.

Worried about developing FHP? Come see us at Keystone Chiropractic, the Plano chiropractor, today! We will help you get started on a plan to develop better posture and avoid work-related injuries. Book your appointment now!