3 Stretches for Shoulder and Neck Pain

Shoulder and neck pain are some of the most commonly experienced pains, especially for older persons. While shoulder and neck pain can be due to an obvious injury or illness, they’re often caused by something more mundane, like sleeping in the wrong position or turning your head too sharply. 

It’s possible to relieve the pain by stretching out your muscles. Can neck stretches really help ease your pain? Let’s discuss why stretching is good for you, as well as three stretches you can try.

Why Stretching Helps Shoulder and Neck Pain 

Our bodies often tense and tighten up without us even knowing it. Injury, discomfort, or even anxiety can cause our shoulders to lift, tightening the muscles around the shoulders and neck. This causes the muscles to get stiff and knotted. You may notice neck pain, shoulder tightness, and even tension headaches. 

Stretching your neck and shoulders can help to stretch out the affected muscles, easing the tension, tightness, and pain. Starting with exercises for the neck, shoulders, and even the back is a good place to start.

3 Stretches For Neck and Shoulder Pain

When it comes to neck stretching, it’s important to go slowly and carefully. If your neck exercises seem to be making the problem worse, stop immediately and see a chiropractor.

1.Head Tilt

Start in a relaxed posture, looking straight ahead, feet a hip-width apart, and your arms hanging loosely by your side. 

Slowly tilt your head to the right side, as if you were making your right ear touch your right shoulder. Don’t raise your shoulder to meet your ear. Move slowly, feeling the stretch in the left side of your neck. Hold that position for ten seconds. 

Now, repeat the process with your left side. You can repeat this exercise up to three times. Always take your time, and never push yourself too hard. 

2.Shoulder Rolls

Just like you did with the head tilt, adopt a relaxed posture, with your feet a hip-width apart, arms hanging loosely, etc. 

Breathing in, lift your shoulders upwards towards your ears. Move your shoulders back, and drop them down slowly on your exhale. This creates a kind of “rolling” movement. 

As you drop your shoulders down, gently lift your elbows forward. You should feel a burn in the back of your shoulders when you do this. Once again, don’t push your body too hard. 

4. Cross-Body Arm Swings

Start with a relaxed, forward-looking posture. Lift your arms out to your sides, making a “T” position. This movement should push your shoulder blades together.

Bring your arms slowly together in front of you, and cross your right arm under your left. Keep both of your arms straight. 

Now, swing both arms out to the sides again. Gently swing the arms right back in front of you, this time crossing your left arm under your right. Repeat the swings ten times. 

How Can Chiropractic Care Help to Prevent and Combat Shoulder and Neck Pain?

Stretches can help, but they’re no substitute for real professionals. With serious or ongoing neck and shoulder pain, you may want to look up a good chiropractor. 

Whether you’re looking for chiropractors in Plano, Tx or another area, Keystone Chiropractic can help to treat shoulder and neck pain, and – more importantly – prevent the pain from getting in the way of a pain-free life. 

If you’re concerned about pain in your neck and shoulders, contact us today and book an appointment. Back, neck, and shoulder pain is unfortunately very common, and non-professionals often don’t know how to properly treat their pain. Feel free to contact us with any queries or questions – we’re here to help.