What is IT Band Syndrome? Can Your Plano Chiropractor Help?

Running is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a place to run. But running can quickly become sidelined when pain occurs. In the case of IT band syndrome, a sharp pain may arise on the outside of your knee as you run. This pain may then persist and worsen when you’re active.

So, what can you do about it? Can chiropractic care help? In this article, we take a closer look at this injury and how your local Plano chiropractic can prepare for that next big race, without pain holding you back!

What is IT Band Syndrome?

IT band syndrome, short for iliotibial band syndrome, is a common overuse injury that causes pain on the outer part of the knee. The iliotibial band is a thick strip of connective tissue that runs from your hip to the outer part of your knee. When this band becomes irritated or inflamed, it can lead to IT band syndrome.

The primary symptom of IT band syndrome is a sharp or burning pain on the outside of the knee, typically felt during activities like running, cycling, or climbing stairs. This pain may start mildly but can intensify if the condition is left untreated. Some people also experience a clicking sensation as the IT band moves over the knee joint.

Several factors can contribute to the development of IT band syndrome, including:

  • Overuse or sudden increases in training intensity
  • Poor running form or biomechanics
  • Weakness in hip and gluteal muscles
  • Leg length discrepancies
  • Excessive pronation (inward rolling) of the foot

Athletes, particularly runners and cyclists, are at a higher risk of developing IT band syndrome due to the repetitive nature of their sports. However, anyone can be affected, especially those who engage in activities that involve repetitive knee bending.

It’s important to note that IT band syndrome can be confused with other knee conditions, such as patellofemoral pain syndrome or meniscus injuries. This is why a proper diagnosis from a healthcare professional is crucial for effective treatment.

IT Band Treatment

If you suspect you have IT band syndrome, the first step is to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Initial at-home treatments can include:

  • Rest and activity modification: Take a break from activities that exacerbate your symptoms.
  • Ice therapy: Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours to reduce inflammation.
  • Gentle stretching: Focus on stretches that target the IT band and surrounding muscles.

While these methods can provide temporary relief, addressing the root cause of IT band syndrome is crucial for long-term recovery. This is where chiropractic care comes in.

Chiropractic treatment offers a holistic approach to managing IT band syndrome. Your Plano chiropractor can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. Here’s how chiropractic care can help:

  • Biomechanical assessment: Chiropractors can identify and correct imbalances in your gait or posture that may be contributing to IT band syndrome.
  • Joint manipulation: Adjustments to the spine, hips, and knees can improve overall biomechanics and reduce stress on the IT band.
  • Gait analysis and orthotics: If necessary, your chiropractor may recommend custom orthotics to correct foot pronation issues that could be contributing to IT band syndrome.
  • Education on proper form and training techniques: Learning how to move correctly during your activities can prevent future recurrences of IT band syndrome.

By addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes of IT band syndrome, chiropractic care offers a path to sustainable recovery and improved performance. At Keystone Chiropractic, our team is committed to helping you get your stride back! Book your appointment with our team today.