Low Back Pain When Weightlifting? 4 Ways Chiropractic Care Helps

Low back pain is a common complaint among weightlifters. Whether you notice a niggle or ache after your deadlifts or chest press, it’s important to give your body time to rest and recover before hitting those heavy lifts once again. Without proper care, it’s all-too-easy to hinder your progress and cause injury.

But what about those low back aches that settle into the background? You notice them after your workout or maybe even the next day. Yet, soon afterward, they disappear. The truth is that you might be experiencing or causing a spinal misalignment. While this might not be a big issue now, it could turn into a persistent injury. So, let’s take a look at how chiropractic care can help you get back on track!

The Benefits of Weightlifting

Undeniably, weightlifting is an excellent way to build strength, increase muscle mass, and improve overall fitness. It can also help with weight management, bone density, and mental well-being. However, improper form, overexertion, or underlying issues can lead to low back pain, making it crucial to address the problem promptly.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Prevent & Alleviate Low Back Pain

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to treating musculoskeletal issues, including low back pain. So, here’s how your local Plano chiropractor can help weightlifters prevent and alleviate low back pain.

1. Identifying and Correcting Misalignments

Chiropractors are trained to identify and correct misalignments in the spine, which can contribute to low back pain. These misalignments, known as subluxations, can occur due to improper lifting techniques, poor posture, or repetitive stress. By gently adjusting the spine, chiropractors can help restore proper alignment, reducing pressure on the nerves and alleviating pain. In turn, you might just thwart potential injury and increasing pain!

2. Promoting Proper Lifting Techniques

Chiropractors can provide guidance on proper lifting techniques to help prevent lower back pain. We can assess your form and offer recommendations on how to maintain a neutral spine, engage your core, and distribute weight evenly. By incorporating these techniques into your weightlifting routine, you can minimize the risk of injury and low back pain.

3. Enhancing Recovery and Healing

Chiropractic care can also help enhance recovery and healing after weightlifting sessions. Chiropractors may use techniques such as spinal adjustments, manual therapy, or instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the affected areas. This can help you recover faster and get back to your weightlifting routine with less pain and discomfort.

4. Providing Ongoing Support and Education

Chiropractic care is not a one-time fix for low back pain. Chiropractors work with you to develop an ongoing treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. 

For instance, at Keystone Chiropractic, we can provide education on proper lifting techniques, posture, and lifestyle modifications to help prevent future episodes of low back pain. By working with a chiropractor regularly, you can maintain a healthy spine and continue enjoying the benefits of weightlifting without the burden of low back pain.

Take Action Today!

Don’t let low back pain hold you back from achieving your weightlifting goals. Our experienced chiropractors work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your lower back pain and helps you get back to lifting with confidence and comfort. Take the first step towards a pain-free weightlifting experience; book your appointment today!