How a Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Your Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve is the layman’s term for what doctors call a compressed nerve. It refers to the damage in a nerve or a group of nerves that can be painful, numbing, and weakening. When tissue surrounding a nerve applies pressure to it, the nerve will send warning signals to the brain. In return, this disrupts the nerve’s function, resulting in pain or a tingling sensation. You may experience a pinched nerve in different parts of your body.

There are various factors that can cause a pinched nerve, but the most common are:

  • Repetitive motions on particular parts of your body
  • An injury
  • Sports activities
  • Obesity

The Symptoms

If you are unsure whether you are experiencing a pinched nerve, here are the typical ways it manifests in your body:

  • You get headaches
  • Your leg or back muscles suddenly feel weak
  • There is numbness or a burning sensation in your fingers, arms, legs, or toes
  • You experience pain in your shoulders, neck, lower or mid-back, or the general spinal area
  • The pain slowly radiates towards your legs or arms
  • The pain is piercing and aching

What to Expect When You Get a Pinched Nerve

There are two potential scenarios when you get a pinched nerve. First, it can leave you with a numbing feeling. After a short while, you will recover, and the body part will function normally again. 

The second is applicable for severe cases wherein a patient will not feel any relief from the pressure. These cases are those that can lead to persistent pain.

How to Care for It

There are different ways to relieve a pinched nerve, and they depend on the severity of a patient’s case:

  • Rest – For minor cases, simple rest can help your nerves recover fast.
  • Medications – Some doctors recommend drugs, like muscle relaxers and NSAIDs. However, you need a doctor’s prescription before you can take one. 
  • Physical Therapy – In this approach, the patient performs specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the pinched nerve. 
  • Surgery – For cases that exercise can no longer manage, surgery might be the only way to relieve the pain. 

How a Chiropractor Can Help and Its Effectiveness

Determining where the pinched nerve is can be challenging since pain travels to other parts of the body. Because of this, dealing with a pinched nerve can also be tricky. However, an experienced chiropractor can bring relief to a patient after assessing their condition. 

Chiropractic care works by manipulating the spine and performing necessary adjustments to improve a patient’s spinal motion and their body’s overall physical function. By reducing the stress present in these pinched nerves, patients can start to feel better. It can be an effective method in addressing pinched nerves because it targets the problem’s main source. 

The chiropractic practice aims to bring the body back to its natural state, which helps relieve the pain and facilitate healing faster than other methods. Moreover, it is a healthy and natural approach that allows your body to heal without harmful medications or unnecessary surgeries. 


Pinched nerves are a common condition experienced by many. You are lucky if your case is mild, and the pain immediately goes away. However, if your discomfort is severe, you need to address it immediately before it worsens. 

If you want to experience significant relief from a pinched nerve, seek professional help from a trained chiropractor. Go Keystone Chiro offers the best chiropractor services in Plano, and we have been voted as the best provider for four years straight. Experience relief by booking an appointment now.  

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