Can Chiropractic Care Help You Sleep Better?

If you have trouble sleeping, you are not alone. In fact, a recent study out of the Netherlands found that over 27% of participants have difficulty sleeping. On the surface, a lack of quality sleep doesn’t seem like a big issue. After all, if you get a poor night of sleep, you’re tired for a day. Then, you go home and sleep better the next night, right?

Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. A lack of sufficient sleep is associated with a greater risk of death and disease. Sleep is the main way our bodies repair themselves. When we don’t get the quality and quantity of rest we need, dire consequences often follow.

Thankfully, there are accessible and easy solutions to improving sleep. One solution to the sleep conundrum is chiropractic care.

In this article, we will review the problem of sleep deprivation in our society. After that, we’ll examine how chiropractic care can effectively solve this issue.


How Can I Improve My Sleep Naturally?

As you probably know, there are many medications that can help you sleep. However, these medications (just like all pills) come with side effects. Natural solutions are always better, especially when they work!

There are several ways you can naturally improve your sleep without the use of medication including:


  1. Blackout curtains.
  2. Going to sleep and waking up at a consistent time every night/morning.
  3. Avoiding electronic use right before bed.
  4. Abstaining from alcohol use close to bedtime.


Each of these methods has been shown to work well for improving both sleep quality and quantity. If one method doesn’t work for you, try out a different one. Everyone has different needs and techniques that are best suited for them.

Fighting Insomnia

Sensationalized depictions of insomnia are rampant in popular media. For instance, the movie Fight Club (spoiler alert) is centered around a character with insomnia. Brad Pitt’s character creates a whole anarchic movement as a result of his condition.

However, this is not a fair depiction of the reality of insomnia. Insomnia can be as simple as having difficulty falling asleep (or staying asleep). By this definition, a person could have an acute (short-term) insomnia episode in a single night!

Granted, some cases of insomnia can be more severe than others. There can even be cases of insomnia that are considered chronic, or long-term. For example, some patients with insomnia have difficulty with their sleep every single night. For these individuals, every day can be a struggle to stay awake and be productive. Furthermore, this lack of sleep can lead to decreased focus. Decreased focus, in turn, can lead to disastrous accidents.

This does not mean, however, that there is no hope for someone with severe insomnia. 

In the next section, we’ll examine how chiropractic care might be the perfect treatment for these individuals.


How to Sleep Better Through Chiropractic Care

Earlier in this article, we outlined some tried and true strategies for improving sleep quality and quantity. If you have difficulty sleeping, you should certainly investigate these aforementioned methods.

In addition, you should seek out a good chiropractor to help with your sleep troubles. Through specific manipulations and treatments, your chiropractor can realign your spine. By doing so, your entire body will function optimally, enabling you to achieve the quality of sleep you so desperately need.

If you’re having trouble sleeping and are looking for a chiropractor who can help, come see us at Keystone Chiropractic. Our expert clinicians will evaluate your condition and perform science-backed treatments to improve your sleep. 

We are home to the best chiropractors in Plano, TX. Don’t believe us? Schedule your appointment right now to find out!