Can Chiropractic Care Help With “Tech Neck”?

After a long day at work, you notice a familiar ache creeping up your neck and shoulders. And it’s getting worse. Sound familiar? 

If so, you might be experiencing what’s called “tech neck.” So, what does this mean? Can you reverse it? In this article, we explore the answers to these questions and more.

What is Tech Neck?

Tech neck, also known as text neck or digital neck strain, is a relatively new term that’s emerged in response to our technology-driven lifestyles. It refers to the pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back that results from prolonged periods of looking down at electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

But why exactly does this happen? 

Well, it all comes down to posture. When we’re engrossed in our devices, we tend to hold our heads at an unnatural angle, often for extended periods. 

The human head weighs about 10-12 pounds when in a neutral position. However, as we tilt our heads forward to look at screens, the effective weight on our neck and spine increases dramatically. At a 15-degree angle, it’s as if the head weighs 27 pounds. At 60 degrees, it’s like carrying 60 pounds on your neck!

This unnatural position puts excessive stress on the cervical spine—the seven vertebrae in your neck. Over time, this can lead to various issues, including:

  • Chronic neck and shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Poor posture
  • Reduced mobility in the neck and shoulders
  • Premature wear and tear on the spine
  • Muscle strain and imbalances

In severe cases, it may even lead to nerve compression or herniated discs

The repercussions of tech neck aren’t just physical, either. The constant discomfort can affect your mood, decrease your productivity, and impact your overall quality of life. 

So why has this become such a prevalent issue? The answer lies in our modern lifestyle. We spend more time than ever interacting with screens—whether it’s for work, communication, entertainment, or simply checking the time. The average American spends over seven hours a day looking at screens, with many of us far exceeding that. This prolonged exposure, combined with poor ergonomics and a lack of awareness about proper posture, has created the perfect storm for tech neck to flourish.

Can A Tech Neck Be Corrected?

With the right approach, it’s entirely possible to alleviate the symptoms and even correct the underlying issues. While there are various methods to address tech neck, chiropractic care stands out as a particularly effective solution.

Chiropractic care offers a holistic, non-invasive approach to treating tech neck. Here’s how it can help:

  • Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractors are experts in spinal health. Through gentle, targeted adjustments, they can realign the vertebrae in your neck and upper back. This helps to reduce pressure on nerves, alleviate muscle tension, and restore proper movement to the joints.
  • Posture Correction: A key component of chiropractic care is educating patients about proper posture. Your chiropractor can provide guidance on how to hold your devices, set up your workstation, and maintain good posture throughout the day. These simple changes can make a significant difference in preventing future issues.
  • Custom Treatment Plans: Every patient is unique, and so is their experience with tech neck. A chiropractor will assess your specific condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. This might include a combination of in-office treatments and at-home exercises or stretches.
  • Long-Term Prevention: Chiropractic care isn’t just about treating symptoms. It’s also about addressing the root cause of the problem. Your chiropractor can help you develop strategies to prevent tech neck from recurring, ensuring long-term spinal health.

While other methods like over-the-counter pain medications or general exercise might provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the underlying spinal misalignments that contribute to tech neck. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, focuses on correcting these misalignments and restoring proper function to your spine and nervous system.

Are you ready to experience the power of chiropractic care and say goodbye to neck pain for good? At Keystone Chiropractic, our experts are here to help. Book your appointment with your Plano chiropractor today!