11 Tips for Allergies This Summer Season

Allergies can quickly become a dark cloud over the warmer months. It can feel not only uncomfortable but also increasingly frustrating as the season goes on. But allergies don’t necessarily have to hold you back from making the most of this summer (which isn’t over yet!)

So, with that in mind, here are some easy-to-implement allergy tips from your Plano chiropractor. How can you combat allergies and get back to all that summer fun?

Tip #1: Know Your Triggers

Knowing your triggers can help you identify and avoid them. Common summer allergens include pollen from grasses and weeds, mold spores, and insect bites. So, keep track of when your symptoms flare up and what might be causing them. This knowledge will help you take targeted preventive measures!

Tip #2: Monitor Pollen Counts

Stay informed about daily pollen levels in your area. Many weather apps and websites provide this information, making it easy to keep track of in today’s technologically driven age. 

On high-pollen days, consider limiting your outdoor activities, especially in the early morning, when pollen counts tend to be highest.

Tip #3: Create an Allergy-Free Home

If you’re prone to allergies… Make your living space a sanctuary from allergens. This doesn’t have to be overly complex. Simply keep windows closed during high pollen days. Additionally, you may want to consider using air conditioning with a HEPA filter. Lastly, regularly cleaning and vacuuming your home can help; pay special attention to areas where allergens accumulate, such as carpets and upholstery.

Tip #4: Practice Good Hygiene

After spending time outdoors, change your clothes and shower to remove pollen from your skin and hair. While small, this simple habit can significantly reduce your exposure to allergens inside your home. In turn, this could slightly reduce your allergic reactions (every little bit counts!).

Tip #5: Use Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation, such as using a neti pot with saline solution, can help flush out allergens from your nasal passages. This method provides relief for many allergy sufferers and can be used daily during high pollen seasons.

Tip #6: Time Your Outdoor Activities Wisely

Plan outdoor exercises and activities for times when pollen counts are lower, typically in the late afternoon or after a light rain. Avoid going outside on windy days when pollen is more likely to be airborne. Again, simple and small changes can make drastic shifts in your daily life.

Tip #7: Use Natural Remedies

Some people find relief with natural remedies like local honey, which may help build tolerance to local pollen over time. In fact, research indicates that honey may help reduce inflammation associated with allergic reactions.

Herbs, such as butterbur and stinging nettle, have also shown promise in reducing allergy symptoms. However, more research could help clarify these claims further. As such, always consult with a healthcare professional before trying new remedies.

Tip #8: Manage Stress

Stress can exacerbate allergy symptoms (and overall poor health!). Thus, this tip is probably a bit obvious: Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. These methods can help boost your immune system and potentially reduce the severity of your allergic reactions.

Tip #9: Use Air Purifiers

Invest in a good quality air purifier for your home, especially in the bedroom. Look for models with HEPA filters that can capture small particles like pollen and dust mites.

Tip #10: Watch Your Diet

Some foods can cross-react with pollen and worsen allergy symptoms. For example, if you’re allergic to ragweed, you might also react to bananas and melons. It may help to keep a food diary to identify any potential dietary triggers. From here, you can make changes accordingly.

Tip #11: Seek Chiropractic Care

Surprisingly, chiropractic care can provide an all-natural approach to tackle your allergies. Sometimes, our immune system responds inappropriately due to dysfunctions caused by spinal misalignment. Since chiropractic techniques can help re-align the spine, it can also help improve function of the nervous system and thus, the immune system. 

Curious about how chiropractic care could help tackle your allergies this season? At Keystone Chiropractic, our team is ready to help you take back control! Contact your Plano chiropractor today to get started.